● Pleated stainless steel filter cartridge also called Melt filter. The main filter material using stainless steel woven mesh and stainless steel fiber sintered felt.
● Stainless steel woven mesh is made of stainless wire woven, made of filter cartridge has the pore smooth, easy clean, resistant to high temperatures and corrosive environments, longer lifetime and other properties.
The main filter material using standard five-layer sintered stainless steel wire mesh, five-layer filter media are constructed using five-layer stainless wire mesh superposition and vacuum sintering process.
Coalescer gas-liquid: coalescer cartridges are intended for aerosols and mists separation, even in case of low surface tension, in gas streams. The elements are manufactured with multiple layers, supported by stainless or galvanized steel core to guarantee absolute separation of droplet larger than 0.3 µm.